Account Transfers:
The Mission Church
BSB: 036 062
Account: 886 999
For Cash Offerings a box is located on the back wall of the Auditorium (near the sound desk) labelled Tithes and Offerings that is collected weekly.
We have recently gotten a Square Reader, this gives us capacity for card payments. The Square Reader will be setup at the reception desk each Sunday. Ask a leader for support in making a payment if your uncertain.
What is Tithes and Offerings?
A Tithe is 10% of your income that goes to the Church.
This practice originates from the Old Testament.
The tithe was an offering from the law of Moses requiring 10 percent of an Israelite’s first fruits. It serves as a reminder that all things we have are His first. It is a show of thankfulness for His provision. It also brings provision for the Priesthood, festivals, and the needy.
An Offering is, on the other hand, considered gifts given outside/ or in addition to a tithe.
While tithes and offerings are technically two different practices in generosity they’re often spoken about hand-in-hand.
As we are no longer bound to the Old Testament Law the decision of giving to the church and providing for the church and its works is between yourself and God.